Tallinn is beautiful at midnight.
You may have noticed it’s a bit … tumbleweedish around here these days. Very long story short, two big projects started taking up all of my available time (and then bleeding a little more into my unavailable time…) and I had to drop pretty much everything that wasn’t a professional obligation or that involved getting these projects completed on time. Unfortunately, this included lots of my personal life and my own website.
Now that I’m back up for air, I’m looking at how I spend my time (available and otherwise) and I decided I’m going to be doing things a little differently around here. As fun as the “daily links” experiment was, and as nice as it was to get emails and notes thanking me for the insight into what was catching and keeping my attention, one thing I realized I missed in my day-to-day life was … actual writing.
So moving forward, this site is going to be a lot more of that. What I’m thinking is a post a week, with one or two weeks off throughout the year when I travel overseas or go on vacation. Most of these will likely be personal. Some may touch on business, strategy, and the like, but just as many will just be six to eight paragraph short stories or essays on whatever was interesting to me at the time. Don’t expect a lot of insight; this is a personal project, not a professional one.
To that point, let’s get something straight: I’m not an “influencer” or a "brand" or a “professional writer.” I’m a guy with a squarespace account and a career that often prevents me from getting into the specifics of my day-to-day work. But I love and miss writing, and I want to be doing more of it.
So here, now, I will be. Hopefully. That’s the goal, anyway.
Look for the first one soon. Ish.